Bands in clubs
Every Thursday

Feb 6 to Feb 12
Venues Poster: $25

ATC Picks

CIUT 89.5 FM is Toronto's bastion of independent radio. Around The Corner covers the local music scene like no other show in the city. Live-music lovers check out Toronto’s local shows, interview performing artists and give a recount of the atmosphere, performances and music played at each show. Listen at 89.5 FM or online at CIUT.FM

Thursday, February 6th

Friday, February 7th

Saturday, February 8th

  • Bands: Weekend Goodbye, Sorry Snowman, John's Cottage, Vacant Space
  • Venue: Collective Arts
  • Bands: Sun Junkies , Sham Family, Be Still, Dumb Crush
  • Venue: Baby G
  • Tickets