Ted Wilson seems to have completely disappeared. I feel I should speculate about where he might have gone at this point, but I simply do not have the time, preferring rather to keep my attention focused on the artefacts and my search for Nelly. And so I invite any who might read this to ponder the question of Ted’s story to his or her satisfaction – to facilitate this I have left a couple of blank sections in this post. I hope that two will suffice.
Reader’s Idle Speculation about Ted Wilson’s Situation
‘Thought the title “He Dreamed Over-time” would have anima-ted more discussion than it has by now!
Nice! Actually there is a conversation on Facebook about a person who has come forward claiming to be Ted Wilson. The jury is still out on whether this is a False Ted.
I had originally planned to leave space for the reader to draw a picture of Nelly as well, an’ please your Worship (replied Trim).