Back Again to the Cave

I have decided to put a lock on the entrance to the cave. The staff and rangers clearly have no interest in it and I am worried that someone else will get it. Ted Wilson seems to have had a lock on it for a year and possibly two without any one noticing, so I should be OK. It is a shame that I can only come on the weekends.

Today I took a few pictures of some of the objects inside. I am contemplating cataloguing them.

Cave Artefacts 1

I have decided to start tagging some of the artefacts in order to facilitate cataloguing. The whole process is not very systematic, but it is one of discovery.

I have also decided to ask the staff if I can move some of the more interesting artefacts to another location for study. The old Officers’ Barracks/Superintendent’s house would be an excellent location if they will let me use it.

It’s fascinating how many of these wax objects resemble coral.