Cockatoo Inspection 2009

Today we launch the 2009 inspection of Cockatoo Island for all manner of pests. Because this is the third year since our initial engagement we have planned a more extensive survey, relying not just on sampling, as was the case in the last two years, but on a systematic search through all sections of the site according to the following plan:

1. Former Dockyard Areas
2. Former Prison Area
3. Former Industrial School Grounds and Buildings
4. Air Raid Shelter
5. Tunnels and Associated Cavities

Cockatoo Inspection 2007 Finished

I am happy to say that the Rodent Eradication Project that we initiated last year seems to have been completely successful. We found no droppings or other evidence of rats in the cavernous areas we targetted last year, or anywhere else for that matter.

We also inspected some of the buildings for termites and found them pest-free. Laura shot numerous photos to document, some of which I have included in the post.