Cave Artefacts 1

I have decided to start tagging some of the artefacts in order to facilitate cataloguing. The whole process is not very systematic, but it is one of discovery.

I have also decided to ask the staff if I can move some of the more interesting artefacts to another location for study. The old Officers’ Barracks/Superintendent’s house would be an excellent location if they will let me use it.

It’s fascinating how many of these wax objects resemble coral.

Cockatoo Lab

I have spent significant time traveling over the last few weeks and have been too involved in other matters to post. But during this time I thought a great deal about the artefacts in the ‘cave’ and I have become more determined to uncover their hidden meaning. So, I have come to the conclusion that I need to put more focus on the crude lab I started in Building 2. As a result, I set about to accumulate some more equipment during my travels and so far have acquired the following items:

  • Microscope
  • Magnifying Lamp
  • Red Heat-lamps
  • Glass Vitrines
  • Fabric for Underlays (I came across some red silk to which I am uneasily drawn.)

I hope to install these items on site as soon as possible.

Deciphering Artefacts

I have now had some time to puzzle over the many artefacts uncovered in the cave and elsewhere. I am drawn with a strange fascination, deeply seated, at times disturbing, towards the primordial, emotionally laden images and objects. Some I would hold close. Some I would enshrine. Some are too deeply imbued with the personal lives of others so that I am shy to intrude. This is a story that unfolds not only here on Cockatoo but at remote locations that I hesitate to reveal.

Cock and Bull Story

Ted Wilson seems to have completely disappeared. I feel I should speculate about where he might have gone at this point, but I simply do not have the time, preferring rather to keep my attention focused on the artefacts and my search for Nelly. And so I invite any who might read this to ponder the question of Ted’s story to his or her satisfaction – to facilitate this I have left a couple of blank sections in this post. I hope that two will suffice.

Reader’s Idle Speculation about Ted Wilson’s Situation








Points the Reader Regards as Salient