There are a number of people milling around on Cockatoo lately; it looks like some sort of art exhibition. I hope they stay out of my way so that I may continue my investigations. In any event I must cover the entrance to the cave to keep out the curious.
Category Archives: Sydney Biennale
People Everywhere
There are people everywhere I turn and getting to my materials is nearly impossible. What’s a poor pest controller to do? I suppose I’ll lurk among the crowds and wait for an opportunity.
Gone Too Far
I just can’t keep quiet any more. She’s gone too far. This shelia named Irene, or something like that, asked if it would be alright to allow visitors to the Biennale of Sydney to come and have a look at the artefacts I’ve collected from the cave and the materials I’ve gathered to make sense of them. I wasn’t crazy about the idea, but she said that the Harbour Trust would allow me to keep all the artefacts and my work areas in Building 2 afterward so it seemed like a small price to pay. But she’s turned it into a bloody Freak Show Museum!!. Sure, we talked about putting some objects into protective cases for conservation, but nothing like these show-case vitrines. And why pick Object 5?! It’s demonic. It looks like the Horned Beast! Have you seen the shadow it casts on the wall late in the day?!
Not only that, but she allows people to look at private items from Ted and Nelly that I never planned to show anyone else. A whole Cabinet of Curiosities and Nelly’s picture on the wall! Never mind that she’s stealing my blog posts, printing them out, and putting them on the wall too. I think I’ll change the blog posting so people can see I had nothing to do with it. Maybe I’ll talk about a trip to Zaragoza or something completely different.
And, on top of it all, she says she talks to me regularly and knows what I think. I barely know her! And the staff sitting around there repeat everything she tells them and none of them has ever talked to me. She’s even putting videos up on YouTube. I mean Pompeii, really?
I’m not sure what to do. I don’t think I can shut it all down. I just hope that the promise of keeping Building 2 when this is all over doesn’t turn out to be hollow.
I just got word that I will not be able to continue to use building 2 for my investigations into Ted’s work after the Biennale closes. Maybe Iris promised more than she could deliver or maybe she was deceived as well, but I must now scramble to find another location for all the artefacts and my work. I’m thinking of transporting them down to the highlands. Why are people so interested in these items if they are art but not otherwise? Is the Black Madonna a work of art or an object of personal devotion? This is the Word made Wax.
Thanks to All who Played
Please take a moment to listen to this rousing rendition of the 1812 Overture, especially the end when the mice sing.
Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky – 1812 Overture (Finale)